Training Developers Course (TDC)
Training Developers Course (TDC)
Instructor-led Training

Training Developers Course (TDC)

Offered in EN, SP, FR and RU
USD  1,534.00
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CAA Personnel are eligible for a 25% price reduction. Complete your purchase using your CAA email account to automatically apply the discount or contact to validate your identity and receive a promotional code.


Prior to completing your online purchase on ICAO Store, participants must be registered to the course and your registration approved by ICAO. Click on the course language to complete your course registration.


This course is available in English  Spanish  French and Russian

  • Training Developers Course (TDC EN)
  • Curso de preparadores de instrucción (TDC SP)
  • Formation de concepteur de cours (TDC FR)
  • Курс для разработчиков учебных курсов (TDC RU)

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Purpose of the Course:

Training Developers Course (TDC) provides civil aviation course developers with knowledge, skills and attitudes to design and develop Standardized Training Packages (STPs), in accordance with the ICAO Doc 9941, Training Development Guide, Competency-based training methodology.


Learning Objectives:


After successfully completing the course, participants will be able to:

•Conduct a preliminary study;
•Conduct a job analysis;
•Conduct a population analysis;
•Design the curriculum;
•Design the modules;
•Establish validity and reliability of tests;
•Establish validity of a training course.


Target Population:

•Civil aviation course developers who wish to develop competency-based training courses

More Information
Training area Training Competency Development
Training Type Instructor-led
SKU TRG-10041-001-01
Location of course delivery Virtual