Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Information Management (Doc 10199)
Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Information Management (Doc 10199)

Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Information Management (Doc 10199)

1st Edition, 2024
USD  80.00

This document is intended to address the requirements and procedures concerning system-wide information management (SWIM) and information security. A global approach on information management (IM) is essential to ensure interoperability and harmonization across all information domains and to support activities such as: flight and flow – information for a collaborative environment (FF-ICE); the evolution of meteorological services towards digital information exchange; and addressing the need for aeronautical information, including the distribution of digital data sets via information services and a review of the NOTAM system. The PANS-IM contains material that supports the transition towards a global air navigation system network, as described in the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, Doc 9750). The focus of this first edition is on information services for ground-to-ground information exchanges based on the principles, benefits and components described in the Manual on the System-wide Information Management Concept (Doc 10039) to establish SWIM as a key enabler of the Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept (Doc 9854). This first edition of PANS-IM also includes requirements for an information security framework to have a common understanding on the level of protection of the information and to provide end-to-end information security in a scalable approach. The PANS-IM is supplemented, when necessary, by regional procedures contained in the Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7030). 

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SKU DOC-10199-001-01
Publication type Publication
Edition 1st Edition, 2024
Order No. 10199