Prepare for a USOAP Audit
Prepare for a USOAP Audit
Implementation Package (iPack)

Prepare for a USOAP Audit

USD  24,500.00

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This Implementation Package (iPack) is a self-contained package aimed to assist and guide States in certain aspects of their preparation for Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) activities, particularly in providing pre-audit information to ICAO using USOAP CMA Online Framework (OLF).
It includes relevant documentation, tools and courses to coach and guide civil aviation experts from States in their preparation for an ICAO USOAP activity. A dedicated subject matter expert (SME) will work remotely with the civil aviation experts, coaching and guiding their implementation efforts to achieve the objectives of this iPack. The level of progress made against each iPack objective depends on the availability of State’s resources to perform the work.
The goal of this iPack is to assist and guide civil aviation experts from States, including National Continuous Monitoring Coordinators (NCMCs), and from recognized international organizations in their preparation for an ICAO USOAP activity, for example USOAP audit or ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission (ICVM).

Bearing in mind that safety oversight is the sole responsibility of each Member State, this iPack has been developed and is delivered only as guidance material to assist States. Therefore, ICAO does not accept any responsibility for user States' compliance with the relevant SARPs, nor for the related results of any ICAO USOAP activity.


After having successfully deployed this iPack, States, and in particular NCMCs, will be better equipped to meet the objectives of this iPack, which are to:

  1. update State safety experts’ knowledge of USOAP CMA, auditing techniques and the critical elements of an effective State safety oversight system;
  2. effectively fulfill the State's role and responsibilities in assisting with ICAO USOAP activities;
  3. accurately conduct Self-Assessment exercises and provide relevant evidence in preparation for an USOAP activity. As applicable, develop and update viable CAPs that effectively address audit findings;
  4. make effective use of ICAO safety audit and reporting tools, for example OLF, for submitting the required information, and review, monitor and benchmark safety system performance against that of other Member States; and
  5. recognize and relate essential protocol questions (PQs) content in specific audit areas such as LEG/ORG, PEL, OPS, AIR, AIG, ANS and AGA to the associated ICAO documents and regulations in order to increase the level of effective implementation.

The target audience of this iPack comprises aviation experts from States, including NCMCs, and from recognized international organizations that are involved in ICAO USOAP activities.


  • Expertise:
    • A dedicated USOAP SME for an expected duration of 15 workdays over a period of three months, providing remote technical assistance to achieve the objectives of the iPack.
  • Training:
    • USOAP CMA Computer-based Training (CBT) - 12 participants for a duration of 40 hours
  • Tools:
    • USOAP CMA Presentation (self-learning)
  • Documents: 
    • Guidance materials
*Additional seats for training and workshops as well as expert workdays can be supplemented. Additional costs will apply.
More Information
SKU MIS-40000-009-01-E-CON
Publication type Manual