Unmanned Aviation Fundamentals (UAF)
Unmanned Aviation Fundamentals (UAF)
Instructor-led Training

Unmanned Aviation Fundamentals (UAF)

Offered in English only
USD  1,800.00
Special price information
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CAA Personnel are eligible for a 25% price reduction. Complete your purchase using your CAA email account to automatically apply the discount or contact etraining@icao.int to validate your identity and receive a promotional code.


Prior to completing your online purchase on ICAO Store, participants must be registered to the course and your registration approved by ICAO. To complete your course registration click here.


Note: Successful completion of the Overview of Unmanned Aviation Fundamentals (OUAF EN) course is a prerequisite to register to this course.

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Purpose of the Course:

The course provides CAA personnel involved in the regulation of unmanned aviation with the competencies required to address the current and emerging safety issues related to unmanned aircraft operating in international and national airspace, consistent with the developing ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) framework.


Learning Objectives:


Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand ICAO provisions and guidance materials on unmanned aviation
  • Develop national regulations and policies relating to unmanned aviation
  • Design oversight activities for unmanned aviation
  • Implement oversight activities for unmanned aviation
  • Deploy a communication strategy to disseminate implementation processes

Target Population:

Middle management level CAA personnel involved in policy development, regulations, safety, and operations of unmanned aviation.

More Information
Training area Flight Safety and Safety Management
Training Type Instructor-led
SKU TRG-10052-001-01
Location of course delivery Virtual